the soup made by grandmother

I had found the same tasting in the soup made at the restaurant Osteria Ardenga!


Harmony  of flavours.

Slow  preparation and Slow cooking.

No overcooked  and burnt potatoes…


We haveImmagine 092 not  smelled such a good flavours in Fontanellato village where some food trucks were preparing some sandwiches to taken away.

Ah, the road for the good food is Long and difficult.


Go go go to:


Osteria Ardenga

Diolo di Soragna 

On sale: Marmelades, Jams, Moutardes,

Mushrooms, red fizzy wine slightly sweet  Fortana di Taro igt locally drinked with the Culatello di Zibello dop



Culatello di zibello

Anolini in brodo

Gnocchi di castagne (chestnuts) and Mushrooms

Owed duck and potatoes

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